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Many people opt for stock packaging for their products. While this might seem like the best and most affordable option, it can be wise to invest just a little bit more money and opt for custom plastic packaging instead. If you are unconvinced, read on and let us entice you to consider the custom option.

1. Custom Packaging Is Stylish

Stock packaging might be well-constructed, but it’s not particularly stylish or innovative. It’s inexpensive simply because it is produced in huge amounts and then used for a variety of products. When it sits on the shelf, it looks just like hundreds of other packages and doesn’t really set your product apart from the competition.

With custom plastic packaging, you can opt for innovative designs, both with the packaging itself as well as your labeling. Our design team can create virtually any type of design you might want. We use a wide variety of plastics and our facility includes a large selection of thermoforming equipment, so we can produce virtually any shape or size of packaging that you might need.

2. Custom Plastic Packaging Is Affordable

Most people select stock packaging because of the affordability, but custom plastic packaging can be nearly as affordable. Thermoplastics are highly affordable materials in general, and there are many material options, so you won’t have any trouble finding a plastic that suits your budget. Additionally, stock packaging is often a bit too big and bulky, whereas custom plastic packaging will be designed to fit your product exactly. This reduces waste and because you may need less packaging overall, this decreases packaging weight, which might mean you will spend less on shipping costs.

3. Custom Plastic Packaging Offers Superior Protection

A stock package is designed to hold many different products, which means that the level of protection can be minimal, depending on the size and shape of your product. With custom packaging, we can choose a strong, durable thermoplastic and create a design that protects every millimeter of the product.

4. Custom Plastic Packaging Is Sustainable & Recyclable

To be fair, most thermoplastic packaging, whether stock or custom, will be recyclable. However, some thermoplastics are easier to recycle than others so with a custom package, you can select thermoplastics that are allowable by virtually all curbside recycling programs. Additionally, you can opt for combination packaging and packaging with some recycled content and even starch-based bioplastics. We have many sustainable options here at Indepak.

We have more than 40 years of experience creating plastic packaging for a wide variety of industries. Our design team is highly experienced at working with a myriad of retail clients as well as those in the food and beverage industries. In addition to creating custom plastic packaging, we also provide services such as package fulfillment and inventory management. Our goal is to always provide an affordable total solution for each of our clients. Get in touch with us today, and we will begin designing your custom packaging.

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Stock Clamshells

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For immediate access to our stock thermoformed clamshell line. Please note you will be transferred to our Clamshell-Packaging - VisiPak webstore and all products currently ship from our St. Louis, Missouri warehouse.

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